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job satisfaction

  • Learn how to achieve professional fulfilment in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Given the fact that we spend a large part of our lives in the office, being professionally fulfilled is essential to our overall satisfaction. Understanding the key principles of professional fulfilment will allow you to be more passionate about your work and have a positive impact...
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  • Learn how to change career successfully in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Many of us find ourselves stuck in the professional doldrums at some point, but the fear of the unknown can make changing career can seem like an even more daunting prospect than stagnation. However, a well-developed strategy and a positive, realistic mindset can prevent unnecessary stress...
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  • Learn how to develop your career strategy in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. A well-thought-out career plan is an essential ingredient in professional success, as it will allow you to discover what matters to you in a job and find a role where you can excel. If you are stuck in a professional rut or feel that your...
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  • Learn how to achieve work-life balance in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The development of technology and the accelerated pace of modern life mean that many of us struggle to establish a clear boundary between our professional lives and personal life, which leaves us vulnerable to stress, frustration and even burnout. Taking steps to eliminate distractions...
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  • Learn how to combat absenteeism in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Absenteeism is a growing phenomenon in many countries, and can have devastating effects on both company productivity and employees’ mental health. As it is a complex subject, using a misguided approach to deal with it can actually aggravate the underlying causes of absenteeism and lead to even...
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  • Learn how to regain motivation at work in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. If you want to be happy at work, feel fulfilled at your job and keep advancing towards your professional goals, staying motivated is essential. Although it is common to feel that you lack motivation at one point or another in your career, there...
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  • Learn how to master stress and coping mechanisms in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Nowadays, pressure and deadlines are part and parcel of the business world, so learning to cope with stress will allow you to feel in control and preserve a good work-life balance. Understanding the key principles of coping mechanisms will allow you to...
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  • Learn how to work without fear in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Being able to liberate yourself from fear and worry will have huge benefits on your professional life, allowing you to increase your efficiency and improve your job satisfaction. Overcoming your anxieties will give you a confidence boost and grant you full control over your...
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