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  • Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi was one of the emblematic figures of Indian independence and remains an icon of nonviolent resistance. Through actions such as the Salt March and his celebrated Quit India speech, Gandhi helped his compatriots to throw off the yoke of British colonialism and become an independent nation. His peaceful protests brought him renown all over the world and inspired many...
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  • John Locke was a philosopher and scientist who is considered to be one of the greatest 17th-century English thinkers. Known in particular for his reflections on political philosophy, Locke took an interest in a range of different areas, including empiricism, social contract theory and liberalism. In just 50 minutes, you will find out how his actions revolutionized philosophical thought during...
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  • The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the major battles of the Second World War, and saw the German Wehrmacht and Stalin's Red Army fight savagely, often in close quarters, for control of the city. The combat also involved civilians and was unprecedented in its scale; the Battle of Stalingrad is now widely regarded as one of the largest and bloodiest battles in history. It marked...
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  • Josip Broz Tito was the first President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, holding the role from 1953 to his death in 1980. After distinguishing himself in the resistance during the Second World War, he played a crucial role in shaping the new federal state and went on to defy Stalin, calling instead for a “third way” between the Eastern...
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  • The Resistance was a massive movement which swept across much of Nazi-occupied Europe in an effort to drive out the invading German forces. It was a clandestine effort which aimed to fight against the occupiers in any way, through civilian resistance, humanitarian resistance and armed resistance. It is therefore difficult to actually define the movement, because this "resistance" took many forms...
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