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  • Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who is now famous across the world as one of the greatest scientists of all time. Known in particular for his development of the theories of general relativity and special relativity, Einstein completely shattered previously held conceptions about the universe and was also renowned for his committed political stances. In just 50 minutes, you...
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  • A Brief History of Time is a vital piece of scientific literature In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking sets out the theories that have been used to explain the cosmos throughout history, from the heliocentric model to the general theory of relativity, and describes the universe as we currently understand it. This clear and detailed summary and analysis is a valuable resource...
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  • Georges Lemaître was a Belgian priest, astronomer and professor of physics. Lemaître is known most of all for developing the Big Bang theory, which is now widely accepted and has led to the creation of a new field of research: cosmology. He proposed that the universe expanded from a single point, which he called the "Primeval Atom". Although part of...
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  • Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time. Known in particular for his laws of motion and theory of universal gravitation, Newton was a passionate scientist whose discoveries had an enormous impact on the world of science. In just 50 minutes, you will find out...
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  • Marie Curie was a pioneering chemist and physicist at a time when few women had the opportunity to pursue a career in science and research. She is particularly well-known for her groundbreaking work on radioactivity and her discovery of radium, which revolutionized cancer treatment and challenged scientific theories that had endured since antiquity. Along with her husband Pierre Curie and Henri...
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