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17th century

  • Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time. Known in particular for his laws of motion and theory of universal gravitation, Newton was a passionate scientist whose discoveries had an enormous impact on the world of science. In just 50 minutes, you will find out...
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  • John Locke was a philosopher and scientist who is considered to be one of the greatest 17th-century English thinkers. Known in particular for his reflections on political philosophy, Locke took an interest in a range of different areas, including empiricism, social contract theory and liberalism. In just 50 minutes, you will find out how his actions revolutionized philosophical thought during...
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  • Miguel de Cervantes was a key figure of the Spanish Golden Age, a time of exceptional productivity and creativity in the fields of art and literature, and is arguably the greatest Spanish-language writer who ever lived. His literary output comprises novels, novellas, plays and poetry, and he is often described as the father of the modern novel. In just 50...
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  • Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. He rose to prominence as a military commander during the English Civil War, winning a series of impressive victories with his New Model Army. Cromwell was a political pragmatist and a skilled communicator, which facilitated his rise to power during the Commonwealth and the Protectorate. He eventually became...
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  • The voyage of the Mayflower has been enshrined in popular culture as the founding myth of the United States of America. This ship carried a group of Puritans to the Massachusetts coast, where they established the colony of Plymouth, aided by the local Wampanoag population, as commemorated by the modern American tradition of Thanksgiving. In just 50 minutes, you will...
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