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  • How to Win Friends and Influence People will revolutionize your relationships with others In his bestselling book How to Win Friends and Influence People, the American author Dale Carnegie offers readers practical tools to communicate effectively, strengthen their interpersonal relationships and master public speaking. While many of Carnegie's suggestions were initially aimed at business managers and salespeople, they have also been successfully applied...
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  • Learn how to decipher your dreams in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. At first glance, most of our dreams appear to be completely illogical, as if they were some sort of strange fantasy conjured up by our unconscious minds. However, there are many respected medical fields, from oneiromancy to psychoanalysis, which claim that our dreams actually...
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  • Increase your self-esteem in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. All of us have experienced insecurities at some point, and they can be a source of stress, anxiety and social isolation. However, you do not simply have to put up with them: there are a range of simple tips and tools that will allow you to boost your...
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