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product launch

  • Apple, founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976, is one of the most valuable and influential companies in the world. Thanks to iconic products like the Macintosh and the iPhone, it has won over millions of devoted fans and is instantly recognizable around the world. In just 50 minutes, you will find out how Apple made...
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  • The Lean Startup offers an innovative approach to entrepreneurship and growth In The Lean Startup, the American entrepreneur Eric Ries draws on his experiences as a startup founder to present a new approach to company and product launches. In particular, he advocates reducing the time spent on the feedback loop and cutting costs at all stages of the production process. This clear and detailed...
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  • Understand the essentials of the PESTLE analysis (also known as PESTEL analysis or PESTLE framework) in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The PESTLE analysis is based on the observation that the development of a business depends on a host of key macroeconomic factors, which may represent opportunities or threats for the company. Identifying pivot variables using...
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  • Understand the essentials of the Business Model Canvas (also known as BMC) in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The Business Model Canvas is a tool which is used to conceptualize new business models and document existing ones, thereby allowing companies to create, deliver and capture value. The strategy therefore allows users to transform abstract ideas into business...
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  • Understand the essentials of the marketing mix (also known as the 4 Ps) in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The marketing mix comprises the tools available to marketers to develop efficient marketing strategies and achieve their objectives in the target market. The four key factors of product, price, place and promotion thus allow marketers to make smarter decisions to ensure...
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