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performance indicators

  • Understand the essentials of benchmarking  (also known as standardization or comparative analysis) in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Benchmarking is a strategy which is mainly used in business to evaluate a range of elements - including products, the market and competitors - in a given sphere. Benchmarking therefore allows businesses to identify the practices that have been...
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  • Understand the essentials of customer relationship management (CRM) in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Companies can implement a CRM strategy to gain a better understanding of their customer base through data mining and segmentation, which in turn allows them to attract new clients and increase customer loyalty. In an increasingly competitive business world, leveraging CRM to...
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  • Understand the essentials of SMART criteria (also known as SMART goals, SMART objectives and the SMARTER method) in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. SMART criteria are a simple yet valuable tool in project management: they can be used to clearly define objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs), and to encourage the accomplishment of concrete results. This book will...
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  • Understand the essentials of the Balanced Scorecard in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The Balanced Scorecard is a valuable tool for strategic thinking which ensures consistency between the daily activities and overall vision of a company. Through an analysis based on the financial perspective, the customer perspective, internal business processes, and learning, growth and innovation, this highly effective management...
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  • Understand the essentials of the Peter principle in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The Peter principle raises important questions about competence, efficiency and internal promotion: it suggests that "every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence", meaning that, the higher up we look in the hierarchy of a company, the more likely it is that positions will be...
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