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interpersonal relationships

  • Learn how to become a caring manager in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Caring management involves using emotional intelligence to increase the happiness and wellbeing of your team. It is particularly valuable when managing intergenerational teams, who may have different expectations of their workplace and differing communication styles. Caring management is therefore an excellent way of harnessing...
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  • How to Win Friends and Influence People will revolutionize your relationships with others In his bestselling book How to Win Friends and Influence People, the American author Dale Carnegie offers readers practical tools to communicate effectively, strengthen their interpersonal relationships and master public speaking. While many of Carnegie's suggestions were initially aimed at business managers and salespeople, they have also been successfully applied...
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  • The Speed of Trust is a must-read for any leader In The Speed of Trust, the businessman and author Stephen M.R. Covey claims that "trust has never been lower than it is today". However, winning the trust of others is essential for effective leadership and decision-making, which means that it is vital in the modern business world. This clear and detailed analysis is valuable for...
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  • Learn how to discover your Enneagram type in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Almost everyone wrestles with uncomfortable questions about how well they truly know themselves at some point, and finally finding the right answers is often a turning point in an individual’s life. The Enneagram personality model is designed to give you insight into the strengths, weaknesses...
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  • Learn how to master effective written communication in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The ability to produce clear and convincing texts is vital in a range of domains, including marketing, public relations and client relationships. Even if you do not work in one of these areas, strong writing skills are a valuable asset: they will enable you...
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  • Learn how to beat bullying at work in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Far from being left behind in the playground, bullying and harassment are facts of life for many employees. Whether bullying takes the form of insults, mockery, ostracism or public humiliation, it can leave victims feeling worthless and prevent them from completing the tasks assigned to...
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  • Learn how to communicate effectively at work in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Communicating well is vital in performance management, conflict resolution and the maintenance of healthy professional relationships. It helps teams to run smoothly and ensures that everyone at the company is on the same page, which makes for a better work environment and increased...
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  • Learn how to work effectively with Generation Y in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. The members of Generation Y (also known as millennials) were born between around 1980 and around 2000, meaning that they now make up a significant proportion of workers. They typically share a number of key characteristics, including a willingness to innovate, a...
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  • Learn how to beat bullying in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Bullying is one of the greatest problems for children in the 21st century, as what was once reserved to the classroom has now spread to the home with the use of social media and the rise of cyberbullying. These acts of violence can have tragic...
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  • Increase your self-esteem in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. All of us have experienced insecurities at some point, and they can be a source of stress, anxiety and social isolation. However, you do not simply have to put up with them: there are a range of simple tips and tools that will allow you to boost your...
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  • Learn how to manage conflict in the workplace in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. We tend to see conflict as a negative thing, but when channeled correctly it can lead to new ideas, improve professional relationships and facilitate innovation. By developing your communication skills and assertiveness, you can deal with difficult situations constructively and turn disagreement into an...
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  • Learn how to network effectively in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Networking is a way of making the most of your professional contacts to further your career aims: building and maintaining a strong network will allow you to exchange knowledge and services with your fellow professionals, find out about new opportunities and attract new collaborators and clients. Whether...
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