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  • Learn how to react constructively to dismissal in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Whether you are the victim of redundancy or are let go for personal reasons, losing your job can be the opportunity for a new beginning: it allows you to evaluate your skills and priorities, and even to embark on a career change. Being able to...
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  • Learn how to decipher your dreams in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. At first glance, most of our dreams appear to be completely illogical, as if they were some sort of strange fantasy conjured up by our unconscious minds. However, there are many respected medical fields, from oneiromancy to psychoanalysis, which claim that our dreams actually...
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  • Learn how to become more assertive in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Assertiveness is a vital asset in the workplace, as it allows us to say no to unreasonable requests and ensure that our needs are met. Fortunately, a few simple adjustments are all it takes to boost your self-confidence and learn to state your needs clearly, reasonably...
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  • Learn how to develop your career strategy in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. A well-thought-out career plan is an essential ingredient in professional success, as it will allow you to discover what matters to you in a job and find a role where you can excel. If you are stuck in a professional rut or feel that your...
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  • Learn how to harness your emotional intelligence in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Emotional intelligence is linked to our relationships with others, and is a key characteristic of good leaders. It is also associated with personal and social skills such as motivation, communication and empathy, which means that it plays a vital part in professional relationships....
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  • Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most fascinating, enigmatic figures in modern literary history. As the leading figure of American Romanticism who drew particular inspiration from the Gothic tradition, Poe set many of his works in singularly haunting atmospheres, while also pioneering new literary styles based on psychological horror. In just 50 minutes, you will find out about the...
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  • Learn how to communicate effectively at work in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Communicating well is vital in performance management, conflict resolution and the maintenance of healthy professional relationships. It helps teams to run smoothly and ensures that everyone at the company is on the same page, which makes for a better work environment and increased...
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  • Learn how to delegate effectively in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Delegating is a vital skill for all good project managers: knowing when to hand over tasks to other people will allow you to optimize your organization, focus on the most important activities and avoid excessive stress and burnout. It can also be a valuable professional...
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  • Learn how to become a great leader in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Leadership is vital in successful organizations, as it motivates employees to deliver high-quality work, ensures that everyone shares the company's vision and guarantees the accomplishment of shared objectives. The flexibility and emotional intelligence of good leaders means that they also have a crucial role to...
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  • Learn how to be an effective project manager in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Project managers are vital to the success of a project, as they are responsible for planning all the activities to be carried out and ensuring that budgets and deadlines are respected. Being assigned to manage a project gives you an excellent opportunity...
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  • Learn how to telecommute productively in just 50 minutes with this practical and concise book. Telecommuting is an increasingly popular option and has many advantages for employees: working from home can boost concentration, contribute to a better work-life balance and increase job satisfaction. However, it also requires excellent planning and organization, so you need to make sure you are aware...
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  • Dwight David Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States and a member of the Republican Party. He was a hero of the Second World War and a very important figure in the liberation of Europe. He was also regarded as a great diplomat and, when he was elected, he became the first Republican president in 20 years.  In...
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